Oliver Rasch

Oliver Rasch

Web- & Softwaredeveloper based in Tübingen, Germany

About me

I am a 17-year-old born and raised in Germany.
During my childhood, I developed a keen interest in computers, especially in the realm of software development. Since then, I am always chasing to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Company history

2023/September (ended)
Softwaredeveloper @ REIFF
2023/October (current)
Softwaredeveloper @ relyon AG

Get in touch with me

Feel free to message me on a website of your choice. Scroll down and click on any of the 6 icons to view my profile 😄


I am interested in a wide variety of programming languages.

  • Javascript / NodeJS (?)

  • TypeScript (?)

  • Python (?)

  • PHP (?)

While not sitting at my computer, I am...

  • Cuddling my cat

  • Running half marathons

  • Attending the Wirtschaftsgymnasium